Even though you may be pain free or performing at a high level, you may have limited mobility. This inefficient compensation during your movement can lead to poor biomechanics that can ultimately limit your performance and reduce your body’s ability to sustain your activity or sport.

The AAPT Movement Screen is a tool our physical therapists use to evaluate movement patterns and help guide our patients back into a healthy movement lifestyle. When there are asymmetric movement patterns or restrictions we create a plan to restore that movement pattern and increase your mobility.
Here are 4 reasons to understand how your body moves:
Allows you to perform daily tasks easier
Prevents injury and alleviates pain
Enhances sports performance
Improves your balance
Take the AAPT Mobility journey and create a healthy movement lifestyle.
Whether you're recovering from an injury or just trying to get a little better than yesterday we are here to help build a treatment plan for you.

“We want to expose your body’s limitations and help you improve the impairment to help you move better and ultimately improve your performance.” - Dr. Lane Clark